About Birth Twin Cites

Proudly serving the
Twin Cities Metro area.
Birth Twin Cities is proud to serve all types of births and families in the Twin Cities offering birth doula services, placenta encapsulation, and childbirth education. Whether it’s your first rodeo or you have been there before, you can expect professional, warm and unbiased support. We are able to support a variety of birth scenarios, including unmedicated, home birth, vaginal breech, twins, loss, planned (or spontaneous) Cesareans, or Vaginal Births After Cesarean (VBAC). It is our hope that throughout your experience with Birth Twin Cities, you will stay encouraged, inspired, and be empowered as you grow your family.
Why Birth Twin Cities
Suitable for Beginners
Tell me more…
Does a doula do check-ups or other medical exams for me or the baby?
No, doulas do not do exams or perform medical tasks. A midwife or obstetrician supports that part of your journey. Our specialty is emotional, educational, and physical support.
What part does my partner play in this?
A doula does not take the place of your supportive partner. We recognize there is a beauty to the deep bond that can happen during labor and delivery between the birthing person and their partner. We find that your partner and a doula work well together because they know you and we know the emotional side of birth.
What if I don’t have a partner?
That’s totally okay! You’re welcome to invite a close friend or family member to play that primary role of emotional support in addition to the support we offer.
Do you support planned and/or spontaneous epidural or cesarean births?
Of course! An epidural is another resource in the labor toolbox that can assist you in your journey to meeting your baby. We trust you and your intuition to know what you need in that decision-making moment. We’ll be there to answer any questions, discuss BRAIN (benefits, risks, alternatives, intuition, next/nothing/not now) and your options. We discuss cesarean scenarios and options during our prenatal visits including planned and unplanned cesareans. We offer additional educational resources for you to know options regarding a family centered cesarean and a positive recovery time.
How much of a say do I have during this process?
We do not make decisions or speak for you! It’s our goal to see that you are fully equipped with knowledge and resources, and you are ENCOURAGED to use your voice on your special day. Sometimes situations change and sometimes your preferences shift – it is your wishes that your birth team should hear.
Are you familiar with hypnosis during birth?
Yes! We are trained in Marie Mongan’s HypnoBirthing method but we are happy to go over other methods during our prenatal meetings.